组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Back in March, when the COVD.19 virus had just started its deadly influence across the country and people were terrified about a lack of every daily necessity, Jonny Blue focused on one particularly urgent need, Blue, a 33﹣year﹣old doctor saw reports of people buying and storing toilet paper. He came up with a simple yet clever solution.

    One Saturday morning, Blue iece of cardboard, wrote "Share Your Toilet Paper" on it in huge letters, and camped out on the street corner," It just inspired me to remind people that if you have a lot of something, that probably means there are people who don't have very much of it because you took it all, "Blue said, "So sharing it is probably a good thing to keep in mind."

    The response was immediate and positive, with motorists honking horns in support. Drivers stopped to drop off spare rolls of toilet paper, and, just as quickly, Blue handedthemout.

    "This guy said he just ran out and was going to a bunch of stores and couldn't find any,"

Blue said as cars went by. "Somebody had given me some, so I gave it to him. He was excited. He was like, 'Do you want me to pay you?' I said, 'No, man. Take it.'"

    A moment later, a driver in a white pickup truck slowed down just enough to take out a roll to add to Blue's collections

    "People are loving it, "Blue said. "They're honking, smiling, laughing. It's kind of a hard time right now. People want a sense of community."
