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ACV is one of the most important parts of your application to an overseas university.

To include as much information as you can when writing your CV, such as your educational experience, internship, extracurricular activities, skills, hobbies and interests, remember to keep them brief. You should always use bullet points to highlight your strengths and commitment toward your activities and accomplishments.

Emphasize your educational experience.

If you have a high GPA, put it on top. List all academic programs you have participated in. You should also highlight your academic awards, honors leadership experience and other achievements.

Highlight your personal strength.

To demonstrate your excellence, the following aspect could make you stand out from other applicants. List two or three activities that have helped you cultivate leadership and teamwork and show your influence on society.

A. Keep it concise.

B. Include some information.

C. List all the hobbies you do in your spare time.

D. Your experience in extracurricular activities could speak for you.

E. Here are some useful tips that could help you craft a competitive CV.

F. The standard rule is to keep the length of your CV within one or two pages.

G. Then write specifically what you have done and learned through these programs.




2016-2022 组卷题库