组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

When I was a little child, my parents took me to Germany.When I came back, I could speak German fluently.

During a holiday, I stayed at home with nothing to do. My father brought a German book. "Why don't you translate it into Chinese? It will be better than playing computer games all day." said my fatherI promised to do 4,000 words each day, but soon I found it hard to keep the promise. After translating only three pages, I already lost interest  in the book. I didn't want to continue. I counted the words again and again. I felt as if two people were fighting in my mind. One said, "Don't give up! Keep working hard and you will do well!" The other one said, "It will be more interesting than translating." I stood up and was about to start playing the games, but then I remembered what my parents had told me.

"Whatever you do, don't stop half way."

A. I just wanted to give up.

B. I agreed to do it happily.

C. I had lived there for nine years.

D. Go and play computer games at once.

E. I decided to play computer games again.

F. So I sat down quietly and went on with it.
