组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

It's Sunday today. Peter doesn't go to 1. Now he is free at home and he wants to 2 computer games, but his mother Mrs. Smith asks him to do 3 Chinese homework first. Then he can do the things he likes. Peter isn't 4. He asks, "Mom, do you love me?"

Mrs. Smith says, "Yes, I 5, my dear."

"Then why don't you 6 me play computer games? Why can't I do 7 I want?" says Peter.

Mrs. Smith puts Peter's clothes on the 8 and asks him, "Dear, do you love me?" Peter says, "9."

Then Mrs. Smith says, "Great! Dear, I don't want to do the things I don't like and I don't want to wash(洗) your 10. Why do you always ask 11 to wash them? And you can play computer games 12 you wash them."

Then Peter has a look at all the socks 13 the sofa and says, "Mom, I know I must do my 14 homework now. I love you." Then he goes into his 15.

What a clever mother!
