组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brown have a son. His name is Jack. Jack is only two years old. He is very lovely, and he always asks his parents questions.

One day, Mr. Brown is reading a book on the sofa in his room. And he has a banana in his hand. He likes eating bananas. Jack comes in. He looks at the banana in Mr. Brown's hand and asks, "Dad, what's this?" But Mr. Brown doesn't hear (听见) him, so he doesn't answer him. Then Jack goes up to Mr. Brown, shakes (摇动) his leg and asks, "What's this, Dad?" "It's a leg (腿)," answers Mr. Brown. Then Jack goes out of the room and says to Mrs. Brown, "Mom, I want to eat a leg."
