组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

Many studies about language learning ask the question: What makes a good language learner? There are some things that good language learners do and some things they don't do. Here are some of the most useful s from studies.

Don't be afraid of making mistakes. People often get things w. Good language learners notice their mistakes and learn from them.

Do group activities. People use language to communicate with other people. A good language learner always looks for the chances to talk with other students.

Make notes during every class. Notes help you to r new language and go over lessons. Look at your notes when you do your homework.

Use a dictionary. Good language learners often use dictionaries to check the meanings of words they don't know. They also make their o lists.

Think in the language you are learning o the classroom. When you are shopping or walking down the street, think of useful words and phrases. Sometimes, when you are at home, say new words to practise your pronunciation.

Do extra practice. Test and improve your language, reading and listening skills with self-study material. You can find a lot of this online.

I yourself speaking in the language. Many good language learners can see and hear themselves speaking in language. This helps their motivation(动机).

Enjoying the process. Good language learners have f with languages, watch TV series or film, listen to songs, play video games or read a book. It is never too late to become a good language learner.
