组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Kids need to be active for at least 60 minutes a day. There is no need to let weather stop your kids from the activities they need. There are still lots of great activities you can do to get them moving and have fun as a family.

► Hop (单脚跳行)about

One player is the" hop leader" while all the others have three lives. The hop leader picks a magic word. Every time he or she says it, all players must hop three times. Each time they miss it, they lose a life.

►Hot potato

Tool needed: a ball

One person stands with his or her back to the circle which is made by other players. They pass the" potato" from person to person. When the player outside the circle shouts" Stop!", the person holding the" potato" is out.

►Music statues (塑像)

Tool needed:a music player

Pick a game leader to turn on or off the music. He or she plays the music while everyone else dances. When the music stops, everyone must stop. The last person to completely stop is out. Anyone who is moving when the music is not playing is also out.

► Catch don't catch

Tool needed:a ball

Players stand in a circle with their arms crossed. One person in the center throws the ball to someone in the circle. If the person in the center says "Catch!", the player should not catch the ball and must not move his or her arms. If the person in the center says" Don't catch!", the player should catch the ball. If a player does the wrong thing, he or she is out.

For more information, please search Change 4 Life. Millions of families have already made healthier changes. You can, too.
