组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

"Aly, I know you took the money. "

"I didn't take the money, Grandma. 1 you love me, you should believe me. "

Her anger came from a deep place. 2 her would only cause her anger to rise. So I tried a different way.

"I love you, Aly. I don't understand 3 you took my money, but I want you to know you don't have to 4 from me. When you love someone, you share what you have. You can keep the money you took, and I will also give you 5 else you want. What else do you need?"

She shouted at me, "I didn't take your money! I don't want your things!"

I went to the kitchen and picked up my 6 cup. "I love this cup best. " I put it on the table in front of her. "You can have it. " She looked surprised.

Then I started gathering other things and placing them before her. "Take this ring. Take this scarf. Take this…"

She said, "No, Grandma, no. Stop it!" But I 7 putting others on the table. As the things grew, the fire left her eyes, her 8 dropped, and then her thin shoulders(肩膀) began to shake with crying. Only then did I stop and put my arms 9 her. "I love you, Aly. Just ask me for what you want but no stealing. "

She didn't admit guilt(认错), but the stolen money 10. Aly didn't change 11, but she did change. Aly is a high school student now, and an almost straight A student. She has learned to 12 people's feelings. She is smart and funny sometimes. I am so proud of the wonderful young woman she has become.

Now I can leave any money lying around. I know 13 that she will not take it. She has not stolen from me since that 14 time. Sometimes, 15 is the best punishment you can give a child.
