组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

The Way to Make Chicken Breasts (鸡胸肉)

What do you usually have for dinner? For me, I like chicken breast. And I'm good at baking chicken breast. Today I'll share theapproachto making them with you.


●Heat (加热) the oven. Prepare a plate and some butter. Prepare chicken breasts.

Clean the chicken breasts and make them dry. Put some butter on the chicken breasts then mix salt and pepper.

●Move the chicken breasts to the plate.

Put the chicken breasts on the plate. You can also put some honey onto the chicken-breasts to make them more delicious.

●Cover the chicken with pepper.

Put some pepper onto the chicken breasts. The pepper needs to cover all the chicken breasts. It can make your dish look nice.

●Bake (烤) the chicken breasts.

Move the chicken to the oven until the oven shows 165F . Then wait for another twenty minutes. The total time of cooking is usually 30 to 40 minutes.

●Cool the dish.

Take out the chicken breasts right way, and let them cool.
