组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Long long ago, a boy was walkingthrough a forest when he found a big blackboard hanging on an old tree. Therewas also a box of chalk (粉笔) beside(在……旁边)the blackboard(黑板)The boy took a piece of chalk and started to draw on the board:first a tree, then a rabbit, then a flower.

Whenever he finished drawinga picture, it came to life(惟妙惟肖出现)and jumped out of the blackboard. He couldn't believe his eyes. Verysoon, the place became a wonderful green forest, full of animals playinghappily. Excitedly, the boy also drew his parents, brothers and sisters whowere enjoying a picnic(野餐), with their sandwiches andcold meat. He also drew the paper plates and the empty bottles(空瓶子) that he and his family threw(扔) on theground when they had a picnic before. But when the rubbish(垃圾)came to life, something terrible happened: around every paper plateand every empty bottle, the forest turned grey(灰色), andthe grey started spreading (传播)everywhere quickly tothe grass(草), to the flowers, to the animals…then the boy realized(意识到)it was all becauseof the rubbish, so he ran through the forest and cleaned the blackboard. Theforest turned green again, and the animals played together for the rest of theday.

The boy never saw thatblackboard again. But now, every time he goes for a picnic with his family, heis the first to pick up the rubbish because he wants to tell others thatanything left in the forest will be bad for the environment.
