组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Many people like to travel when they have time off from school or work. They might go to their hometown to see their family, or travel somewhere far. But not everyone does this--some people like to take a "staycation"' better.

A staycation is when you spend your holiday at home or near your home. Some people might travel around their city. Others might try rural tourism (乡村游) in the countryside. People like me prefer (更喜欢) to just stay at home.

I had a staycation of my own over the summer. I slept late every day. I worked on music and played video games. I wasn't too lonely (孤独的) -- I had my cat to play with, and I visited some of my friends around the city.

Traveling is fun from time to time. But it's also nice to just stay at home and relax. It's also cheaper, since you don't have to pay to travel. You can choose to do just about anything you want—or, if you want, just do nothing. There's nothing wrong with that.
