组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Life is full of regrets. It was the last exam of the term. I didn't worry about the exam I was good at English. I thought it was not necessary ( review) English. And I was one of the top students in my class. In my opinion, it would be easy.

After the bell (ring), the teacher entered the classroom several minutes earlier. Then she gave the test papers to us. We began to answer the questions on the paper. At I thought it was easy. However, when I finished half the paper, I felt it was increasingly difficult. I had ever learned some words but I could not remember them.

What's worse, I was ( influence) by these difficulties and my brain was in a mess. I knew that I would fail the exam because I was too ( pride) of myself.

Two (hour) passed quickly, and we all had to hand in our test papers. After school, I walked on the way home a heavy heart. The experience taught me a lesson, "Hard work is the only key to good results."
