组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Gina is eleven years old. She is the only child in the family. If she wants something, she is sure to get it because her parents 1 say yes to her.

Gina studies well at school, and everyone thinks she is2. But no one likes her because she is selfish. She's never ready to 3 any things with others, not a book or even a pen.

Things change when Rita joins her4. Gina takes Rita under her wing. New to the city and shy at school, Rita becomes Gina's 5 . Gina isn't nice, but at least Rita has someone to play with.

One day, Rita cries sadly, "Gina, what can I do? Maths…. Maths is too difficult for 6."For the first time, Gina is sorry for someone. She knows that Rita 7 very hard after class. She wants to help Rita.

Gina is good at teaching, 8 Rita understands maths better and does homework well. She even gets an A in her homework. Rita is happy about that. She tells everyone what a(n) 9 friend Gina is.

Everyone cheers for Gina. Gina is a little bit shy. She finds 10others is a wonderful thing.
