组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    One day,Mozart saw an old blind street—performer(play)the violin at the street corner with a hat in front of him.He (find)the old man (play)one of his compositions.The old man played for a while,but nobody put money into his hat.Mozart asked the old man,"Do you often play compositions by Mozart ? " "Yes,sir,"answered the old man."Now everyone (know) Mozart and they love his music." "Do you make a living by (play)the violin?" The old man said he (do).Mozart took over the violin from the old man and began (play). He played SO well that all the passers-by stopped (listen)to the wonderful music and (give)their money.Soon the old man felt surprised that the man ( play )so well.He asked Mozart,"Who are you,sir?" "Your colleague(同行), a poor musician like you."Then Mozart gave the violin back to the old man and left.
