组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Parents, the most selfless people on Earth are the biggest reason for your existence. However, we often1 to appreciate(感激) their efforts. And by the time we realize this, it's 2 late. So, don't wait for any 3day to say sweet things to your parents and tell them how 4you're for whatever they've done for you.

First,5you often forget to call your parents and 6them how much you miss them, they may often feel you're not making any7to stay in touch with them.

Second, you should hug them. You can't possibly 8whatever they've done for you, but this small gesture(姿势) will9make them feel special.

Third, let your emotions out in time, because you10know, there might not be a tomorrow to express your11. We all have been mean to our 12at times, and have said things that 13them deeply. If so, all you can do is apologize (道歉) from the bottom of your 14.

Finally, 15them to know that they're the real superheroes in your life. You can never 16them enough. They've always been your17to move forward. They taught you all the small and big things about life. They always 18 you to work hard and become a successful person in life. Even though you may have19 in a race or failed in an exam, they were and still are your number one20 . So, express yourself before your parents before it's too late.
