组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brown are teachers. But they teach in different schools. Every day Mrs. Brown goes home early. Mr. Brown's school is not near their home. He goes home late. Mr. Brown likes Chinese. He often goes to Chinese classes. One day he has a friendly talk with a Chinese student and goes home very late

He opens the door and says, "Sorry, my dear. I am too late today, but I..." Mrs. Brown is not in the room. "That's strange(奇怪). She likes watching TV."" She doesn't like going out in the evening." "But where is she now?" Mr. Brown looks here and there. Then he sees a note on the table. It says, "Don't make any excuse(借口), this time, I am going out to see my friends. Don't wait for me."
