组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。

    The other day, I heard from a girl. She said that her friend just got a dog. Her friend talked about the dog all the time. It made the girl feel bad because she didn't have one.

Here's what I wrote back to her:

Dear Judy,

There are people who have nicer homes than us, have better jobs, or, in your case, own a cute dog you don't have.

It's quite natural(自然的)to want things that we can't have, but instead, we should appreciate (珍惜)what we already have, or feel happy for people who have the thing we want.

In fact, owning a dog means a lot of hard work. Dogs need care, attention, exercise and love.

There's also a lot of cleaning you'd need to do for it. Dog hair and dirty paw prints (爪印)would be everywhere in your home.

It's great to spend time with dogs though, so why not ask your friend if you can join her when she takes her dog out for a walk? You'd get to spend some fun time with your friend and get some exercise by walking.

And who knows--one day, you might own your own dog, too.

