Social Media Etiquette
In this day and age, if you're a young person and not on social media, it's almost as if you don't exist. For some, their entire lives are totally made up of social media. On the other hand, some people have accounts just because they forgot their password from two years ago.
⒈ Social Media is Not Your Diary
It is only one reason as to why you shouldn't post your intimate business on Facebook or Twitter. First of all, it makes you look like you're not in control of your emotions. This can be a huge turnoff for both friends and potential employers alike!
⒉ Your Language Matters
There's always an effective way to communicate. When you look back on these uses of bad words you'll feel embarrassed. Besides, bad language causes negativity. My general rule is not to post anything my grandma wouldn't want to see.
⒊ Keep Your Pictures Appropriate
I love the feeling of posting my pictures on Facebook, but when it comes to party pictures, be careful!
⒋ Stick to Who You Know
It's uncomfortable being followed by someone I don't know. Be sure to only keep up with the people you actually know. My general rule is that unless we have established a connection, there's no reason for me to know what's going on in someone's life. It's just a common courtesy thing!
A. What you say on Facebook will be spread.
B. How do they find us?
C. Everything you put on social media is public.
D. These people will spend hours writing the perfect posts.
E. The posts are being written by these people carefully.
F. Keeping things positive makes for a happier you too!
G. Because you truly never know who has access to the pictures and what they'll do.