组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

When Wolferl (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) was young, he showed great! musical talent. Luckily, his father Leopold, a very good musician, saw it andnurturedhis talent.

When Wolferl was just three years old, Leopold was teaching Wolfer's sister Nannerl to play the piano. Wolferl would hang around them and listen to what they were playing. Later, he would come back to the piano and try to play what he had heard. Soon he could do it. By the time Wolferl was four years old, Leopold started to give him his own piano lessons. Little Wolferl could learn a minuet(小步舞曲) by heart during a half-hour lesson!And at the end of his lessons his father would have to send him away, for it seemed Wolferl wanted to continue all day.

Leopold was a fine violinist. He had given Wolferl a small violin, but not given Wolferl any lessons on it. One day two of Leopold's good friends came to visit: One of them had written six new violin trios (三重奏), and wanted Leopold to join them to play the new music. Wolferl got out his violin and asked his father if he could play second fiddle(第二小提琴). Leopold refused him because Wolferl had never learned how to play the violin. He was not happy. Then one of Leopold's friends said, "Let the boy play second fiddle along with me." And wolferl did play so well that Leopold had tears in his eyes!
