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pollute, it, simple, lie, easy, on, which, such as, from, throw, who, use

Don't throw away your old phones. You are actually away real gold! Smartphones have many useful metals, gold, silver and copper(铜). People can recycle to make new electronics (电子器件).

But many people don't know this. In Australia alone, there are more than 25 million unused mobile phones around, the Sydney Morning Herald reported. The gold in these phones can add up to a value of more than $80 million (542 million yuan). There are about 2 billion smartphone users around the world change their phone once every 11 months on average, In China, people throw out 80 million old phones every year, according to New Express Daily.

However, it's not easy to recycle these metals. Smartphones not only have metals, but also harmful materials. Guiyu, a small town in Shantou, Guangdong, is one of the world's biggest landfills (垃圾填埋厂) for electronic waste, Reuters reported. Many recycling centers in Guiyu break down old electronics by hand and don't think about the it causes. According to a local government report, 81 percent of children in Guiyu are harmed by lead poisoning(铅中毒).

Veena Sahajwalla, a professor at Australia's University of New South Wales, has made a mini factory. If makes smartphone recycling cleaner and. The mini factory is very small and easy to move around. It breaks down phones and automatically (自动地)removes the phone's useful metals. This stops people being poisoned.
