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信息匹配,下面的材料A-F分别介绍了澳大利亚的六处旅游景点。请根据 Sally、Jane Frank、Mr. Smith、Bill五个人的旅游计划,选出最适合他们的旅游景。

A. Adelaide  

The city in South Australia is famous for its farm and wine. It's also a great place for people to relax.

B. Australian Alps

You can visit beautiful snowy mountains here. Many people also like going for a walk here in summer. You will have great fun.

C. Sydney

Sydney is Australia's largest city. You can visit the Sydney Opera House. It is a big art center in Sydney. You can enjoy some plays and shows here.

D. Brisbane

It is a big city in the northeast of Australia. You can enjoy the sun and many beautiful beaches here. There is also lots of delicious food and wine.

E. Kakadu National Park

This park is in the north of Australia. There are more than 1, 700 kinds of plants in the park. There you can also watch the Jim Jim Falls. It is a fantastic waterfall (瀑布).

F. Phillip Island

It is popular with visitors. You can visit the Penguin Parade(企鹅列队) at Phillip Island Nature Park. Little penguins here are very lovely.

Sally is from Japan. She is going to visit Australia with her nine-year-old daughter Adele and Adele is a big fan of cute animals.

Jane is 22 years old. She wants to visit a big city in Australia. She likes plays and other art shows.

Frank comes from South Africa. In his hometown, there are few lakes and rivers. So Frank really wants to see waterfalls.

Mr. Smith is from Canada. He wants to travel with his wife. He likes drinking wine and his wife just wants to stay on a farm and enjoy the fresh air.

Bill is 24 years old. He is from India. He plans to go to some beautiful beaches. He also wants to try some great food in Australia.
