组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
信息匹配,下面的材料A~F分别介绍了 6本不同的书籍, 请根据下面5位学生的喜好和特点, 为他们选择一本最适合他们阅读的书。

A.Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. It is an adventure. Ali Baba has many adventures. It is a funny book. There is a cartoon movie about Ali Baba.

B.Frankenstein. Itis a scary book. It is about science. A scientist makes a man.

C.Cinderellais a romance. Cinderella has a mean stepmother and stepsister. She usually cleans the house. One day, she goes to dance and meets a prince. They fall in love. It is a great story.

D. Shenzhen s Night Sky is Unlonely. If you are troubled by loneliness and uneasiness in a strange city, why not read the book by Xia Guang, the city's famous announcer of a night broadcasting program?

E.I Ask, So I Amby Yang Lan, a household TV announcer in China, she published her new book "I Ask, So I Am", which records her successful TV talks witl famous persons and common persons.

F.British Life. What is everyday life like for people in Britain? Why do they talk about the weather so much? This book will tell you everything you want to know about this interesting country.

Roy is a brave boy. He likes funny books, but he likes science fictions best. He also wants to be a famous scientist when he grows up.

Bonnie is beautiful but a little shy. She loves books. She is also a bit sensitive, when she reads something sad, she will feel very sorry. She loves romantic books.

Mario is going to England. He wants to know more about England.

Xiao Wu is new in Shenzhen. She often feels lonely at night. And sometimes she misses her family very much.

John is a high school student. He wants to be a TV announcer after leaving school. He needs to learn from the famous ones.
