组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

The Fisherman's soul calls to him," Don't send me away. Please, don't send me away"

"You're not important to me," says the Fisherman," Go away, go where you want. "

The Fisherman arrives at the seashore(海岸). He stands with his back to the moon. He looks at the sea. His shadow(影子)lies before him. His shadow is the body of his soul.

The soul speaks again," Send me away with your heart. "

"How can I love my Mermaid with no heart?" says the Fisherman.

"Be kind," says the soul," Give me your heart. "

"My heart is for my Mermaid. Go! You are not important to me," cries the Fisherman. He takes the little knife and he cuts his shadow away from his feet. The shadow rises and he is the same size as the Fisherman.

The shadow says," I want to meet you every year. I can come back to this place. I can call you and you can come.

"OK" says the Fisherman. Then he jumped into the water. The little Mermaid comes to meet him and they go down under the water.

The soul watches on the beach. He is all alone.

—-Taken from The Fisherman and His Soul
