组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Do you know any left-handers? Their special day is on August 13. It is International(国际的) Left-Handers Day! Only about 10% of people are left-handers. Some people say left-handers are smarter than right-handers. Is it true?

Scientists say that left-handers don't have higher IQs(智商) than right-handers. Left-handers and right-handers just use their different brains. They are good at different things.

The left side of our brain is Language(语言) and Writing. The right side of our brain is Creativity(创造) and Emotion(情感). The right-handers use the left side of their brain more often. The left-handers use the right side of their brain more often.

Why are some people left-handed? Scientists are still looking for the answer. Genes(基因) might be one reason(原因). Some use their left hands at a very early age, and others might hurt(使受伤) their right hands. Then they begin to use their left hands more often.
