组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

It's too easy to find ourselves in a mess if we surround(围绕) ourselves with too many things. For our family, with children who have December and January birthdays, the Christmas season can become overwhelming(无法抗拒的) and finally lose meaning and fun. Believe it or not, it's not fun to be surrounded by piles and piles of things. But I love to give gifts. I love to surprise my children and make them happy. I can't help it.

Still, while I'm not above buying one or two very special toys for them, I remain to keep Christmas free. I do this through three types of gifts: consumable(消费型的), charitable(慈善型的), and experience(体验型的). Today, I'd like to share some fun "experience gift" ideas:


This could be as big as those exciting "We're going to Disneyland! "ads or as small as" We're going to check out a museum in a neighboring town! ". It's fun to go to new places-near or far.

The arts

Give gift of creating or discovering. Whether it is painting a plate, taking a music class or seeing a dance, exploring the arts and creativity can be a wonderful experience to treasure and reflect on throughout the year.

Get moving

Last year, my son received karate lessons as a gift. It has been fantastic! Classes are great. So are trips to an indoor gym or a discovery center. Going on a family hike, a boat ride or a fishing trip is another wonderful way to get active together and make it something special!

Fun with friends

Give your husband tickets to a ball game.    ▲    ,one ticket for him and one for a friend. The choice is limitless. Spending fun time with people whose company we really enjoy is a beautiful gift to give or receive.

How do you like to keep Christmas special and clutter-free?
