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Kate Humble is a writer. Her new book Friend for Life is about the relationship between man and dog. Humble shares with us the books that changed her life.

Winnie the Pooh

By A. A. Milne

My father used to read this book to me when I was very young. He used different voices for all the animals. I loved the characters in the book: sad Eeyore; loyal(忠诚的)Pooh; lively Tigger. A.A. Milne was really good at describing the way they got along together, opening my eyes to how society really works.

Last Chance to See

By Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine

This book tells us the writers' experiences as they travel around to find animals in danger. Their travels are very exciting and they share a wonderful humor. The book makes me realize that we can't just sit back and allow animals to disappear. I read the book in mv teens. At that time. I hardly traveled. But the idea that we must help protect our planet was really an inspiring(激动人心的)oneto me.

Picture Palace

By Paul Theroux

I've always loved Theroux's 'travel writing. I found .this book-in a secondhand bookshop. I read the first paragraph and thought. "How does he do that?" The words aren't long or difficult, but from that first paragraph, his writing grabs(吸引)you. I had an artist teacher who told me, "You're only anarchist when you've found your own style, not when you're copying someone else." And Theroux is surely an artist.
