组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Two cats were walking through a forest. Suddenly, they found a loaf of bread1under a tree. Both pounced (猛扑)on it and caught the loaf at the same time. Neither would2and so they decided to divide it into two pieces and take one piece each. "But3do we divide it?" one cat said.

A4sitting on a branch of a tree saw what had happened between the two cats. He got a (n)5. He came down from the tree and walked up to the6cats. "Hi, my dear friends! Can I help you?" the monkey asked. The cats told the monkey what the7was and asked, "Can you divide the loaf8us?" The monkey agreed.

The monkey broke the bread into two pieces. But one piece was a little9than the other. "Oh no! I will take a little bite of this bigger piece to make10equal (相等的)," "the monkey said. He took a bite from the bigger piece11the bite he took was too big. "Uh oh! Now it has become smaller than the other piece. I12just have to take a little bite from this piece now," the monkey said.

The monkey took another bite. The two cats sat in front of the monkey, seeing the loaf of bread get smaller and smaller. When the whole loaf was13gone, the monkey said, "I am sorry. It was really difficult to divide that loaf. I must be going now." He jumped back14his tree and was gone.

"15we had not fought against each other, we could have stuck together and kept our bread, "the two cats said.
