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On December 17, 2020, China's Chang'e-5 safely returned to the earth. It brought back the country's first samples (样品)of (岩石) and soil it had collected from the moon.

Behind the (成功) of the moon mission (任务) was a team of great scientists. One of them is a young woman named Zhou Chengyu. 24-ycar-ola Zhou has become both the (年轻的) and the first female space commander at the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in Hainan Province.

Zhou's colleagues often call her "Big Sister." That's a sign of (尊重) for her. She has now taken part in five space missions. All of them (需要;要求) the highest level of professional knowledge. For the launch of Chang'e-5,Zhou was in charge of the rocket connector (系统). This was one of the most important roles in the mission.

The Chang'e-5 mission was named after the Chinese moon goddess. Therefore, many people found it fitting that a strong female figure had (获得) international attention. They have spoken highly of Zhou's achievements, regarding her as a role model for Chinese girls to look up to.

However, the young commander has shown no (兴趣) in fame. In fact, Zhou has (拒绝) many requests for interviews. She feels that they will only get in the way of her work.

Zhou's story gives an encouraging (启示): Girls are just as capable as boys in science or aerospace. They can do whatever boys can do.
