组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

I was eighteen years old when I told my father that I wanted to go to sea. I wanted to make money and see the world. He didn't agree.

"A quiet life is best, son," he said. "Please stay with your mother and me. Your brother left us and we never saw him again. We don't want to lose you, too. If you need money, I'll help you. "He had tears in his eyes.

But I didn't want to listen. A year later I went to the city of Hull and boarded a ship for London. It was September, 1651.

That night there was a storm. Strong winds pushed the ship and I started to feel afraid and very sick. This was a mistake, I thought. I promise I'll go home to my parents soon. But the next day the sea was calm and it was sunny. My friend, whose father was the captain(船长), laughed at me. "A storm? "he said. "That was nothing. You're not a real sailor(水手)yet. Let's have some fun and forget about this. "And so I joined my friend and forgot my promise.

Then a few days later a bigger storm hit us. The waves were like mountains around the ship and all of the sailors were sick and afraid, not only me. After a few hours some men on another boat saved us, but our ship went down to the bottom of the sea. When we arrived on land, the people were very kind to us and gave us money.

My friend's father told me to go home. "The ship went down on your first voyage(航程), "he said, "The sea will only bring you more bad luck." I didn't listen. I went to London and boarded another ship.

This time I went on a voyage along the coast of Africa. The voyage was a great success, in fact, it was my only successful voyage. I brought gold home to England and sold it for three hundred pounds. Soon I decided to return to Africa and make more money. This time, I was the captain of the ship.(Adapted from Robinson Crusoe By Daniel Defoe)
