组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Peter is four (year)old. He is the (two) child in his family. He has a sister, Jill. Jill has to get up early and make her bed. She needs to do the (dish) after breakfast. She has many rules. Peter doesn't have these rules there is one rule for him, "Don't eat too much ice-cream!"

It's Sunday today. Their mother is busy (make) breakfast in the kitchen. Peter (want) to eat ice-cream. He doesn't want his mother to find him, so he eats outside. He eats a lot ice-cream. In the afternoon, he feels terrible. His mother takes him the hospital(医院)."I'm sorry, mom. I break(破坏)the rule. I eat (many) ice-cream," he says to his mother. Now he understands(明白) that he has ( follow) his mother's rule.
