组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Last weekend at the airport, I had some extra time before going through security to catch my flight. While wondering what to do, I decided it was the perfect time and place to look for an act of kindness to do.

Outside security there was a girl having flowers for sale. I told her that Td like to buy flowers for someone else, and she could decide who to give them to. She looked a little confused, so I suggested perhaps she should give them to someone who looked a little sad. That was because he or she might need some cheering up.

At first, the girl answered, "That's crazy." But then I explained a little more about the idea of doing something kind' for a stranger, and she understood.

"I'll never know how it 'turns out头" I said. "But you will have the opportunity to make someone have a good day." At the time, she started to seem excited about it.

She .went to take the flowers out of the water they were sitting in, and I explained," It's fine to leave them there until the person you want to cheer up comes."

At that point, I think she was between surprised and happy, because it might be her first time to meet a customer like me. I paid for the flowers, said goodbye, and joined in the security line. What a nice day I had!
