组卷题库 > 小学英语试卷库

"Look, Mom! See,what a pretty1! It is a little cuckoo," said Jack to his mother. Jack's mother asked, "Where did you2it, Jack?"

"Steven caught it in the forest. I went to the forest to pick some3and saw this little bird. Then I told Steven4it, and he came to help. He brought a net and caught the bird,5l put it into this cage. "

"Well, what will you do with6?"asked Jack's mother. "l will7it, Mom," answered Jack.

"But, my boy, it will not live in the cage(鸟笼). You should put it8into the forest," said his mother.

Jack was not9."I wish I could keep it. It is so pretty! May l put it into the room?" he said. "No,Jack ,"said his mom." You10put it into the forest. A cuckoo will not like to live in a room. It likes to live in the forest.
