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Into the Amazon Rainforest

Here is the world's biggest rainforest—the Amazon rainforest. It is an exciting place, full of life and colour. If you go deep into the forest, you can find the following animals.

Howler monkeys wake up the forest with their howls. They howl to tell other howler monkeys," Stay away from my food!"

Many birds here have nice colours. The toucan has such a long bill that it has to throw the food into its mouth.

Macaws eat clay(黏土) every morning because some of their food is poisonous(有毒的). The clay protects them from getting sick.

Here is a big anteater(食蚁兽) looking for good. Its long nose is useful in finding food. Some anteaters are small. They can live both on land and in trees.

It's time for the mother eagle to hunt. She watches closely from the sky, then flies down and catches a howler monkey. The mother eagle brings food back to her baby. When the baby is 10 months old, it can hunt by itself.

Even during daytime some animals are difficult to see because their colours look like the trees around them. This protects them from their enemies and helps them to hunt.

Tree frogs don't like the heat of the day, so they are active at night. Look at the colourful frogs. Aren't they lovely? Maybe, but they are very poisonous. So, be careful!

There are far more animals and plants in the Amazon rainforest than in this book. Go and see for yourself one day!
