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Every day, we produce tons of waste, such as plastic bottles, leftover food and used papers, which need to be thrown into different bins(垃圾桶)separately. Garbage sorting is becoming a hot topic, which is paid attention to by different countries.

In China, people are required to separate garbage into four groups: wet, recyclable, harmful and dry. To encourage garbage sorting, Chinese government has worked with Alipay to create a "green account(账户)" service for people. If users sort their garbage correctly, they will get points, which can be used to exchange for milk, phone cards and other presents through the Alipay App.

A UK company has invented a "smart bin" to help with garbage sorting. People just need to drop their garbage into the bin. A camera and sensors(感应器)in the bin can tell what kind of garbage it is and correctly sort it. The bin also compresses(压缩)the waste so it takes up less space.

Japan is leading the world in garbage sorting. They sort garbage so carefully that even plastic bottles and their caps(瓶盖)go into different bins. Different kinds of paper products—newspapers, magazines and cartons—also have their own bins. Factories also make bags, clothes and dolls out of waste for a better recycle.

South Korea is using a method called "Pay For Your Trash" to encourage people to reduce food waste. When throwing away trash, people have to separate their food waste from their other waste and put it in a bin. The smart bin then weighs the food to count how much people should pay for it. The more they throw away, the more they pay.

Different ways are used in different countries to sort their garbage. The goal is to reduce pollution and save resources, which helps to improve our living environment.
