组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

My daughter cried as soon as she entered the door and shouted, "It's too unfair! " It 1that she was talking to her deskmate while having a math class. And they were caught by the teacher;2of them were punished after class. "There were some other classmates talking at that time, but the teacher only punished us. He just did it to warn others! " she said 3.

I knew that my daughter really 4 this matter. I calmed her down first and then I asked her patiently, "Should you be punished for speaking when you are having a class?" She 5, but also replied, "It is unfair for the teacher not to punish others who are also speaking! " I asked her again, "Should the teacher punish you?" She said, "Yes, but. . . " I knew what she was going to say and I 6 her at once, "Don't talk about others, just look at yourself. " She 7 her head silently. "You know what the 8 of speaking in class is. You did it and got the punishment. It's fair! " I said.

After hearing my words, she seemed not as angry 9 when she first entered the door. She asked me, "How about those classmates who are also talking in class?" I replied, "The teacher didn't punish these students not because of a special 10 for them, but because he chose to forgive(宽恕)them. From your 11of view, the teacher is unfair, but for those students he is forgiving, not unfair. " My daughter was confused(困惑). "Do you say there is anything unfair in this world?" I said. "Look! This earth is round, and there is no place in the world where the sun can't shine, so what could be wrong?But it 12what angle(角度)you stand at. "

Actually, everyone is very 13 about what they are doing and knowing whether they behave right or wrong. But when they are 14 others, the sense of unfairness naturally comes. The most important thing is to understand fairness in a 15 way, not from your opinion only!
