组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

There are many animals in an animal city, such as peacocks, elephants, ducks, cats, etc. One of the peacocks is very beautiful. He is very proud and he shows himself in front of other animals all day and he always says how beautiful he is. When other animals have difficulties, he is never willing to help them and sometimes laughs at them. So the animals hate him and never play with him.

One morning, the peacock went out to play. He walked around and got lost. When he was nervous, he saw an old elephant swimming in the lake, and he walked up to the elephant with his head raised and his beautiful tail spread, and then he asked, "Hey! How can I get to the nearby park?" The elephant ignored him. The peacock thought he could not hear, and asked again, "Hey! How can I go to the nearby park?" The elephant still didn't look at him, and then the peacock shouted, "Hey! How can I go to the nearby park?Hey! Didn't you hear me?I'm asking you! Are you a deaf?" Then the elephant turned around and looked at him, but he did not say any words and turned to swim.

Then a cat came from a distance. The cat walked next to the elephant and asked, "Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the nearby park?" The elephant answered with a smile, "Well, just go this way to the end and turn left. " At that time, the peacock realized that the elephant ignored him on purpose, so he asked loudly, "Why would you tell the kitten, but you wouldn't tell me?" The elephant turned around and said, "When you say, 'Hey!' Who do you ask?Didn't you see it just now?The kitten was so polite to me. What about you?What you only know is to show off yourself. You can't blame others who ignored you. "

After listening to the elephant, the face of the peacock turned red. He lowered his head, and said, "Thank you for your teaching, I will correct it. " Since then, ________.
