组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

The Yellow Crane Tower(黄鹤楼) (lie)on the Yangtze River in Wuhan. It is said that it (build)in 223 AD during the Three Kingdoms period. It has five floors and every floor has (it)own characteristic(特色). On the first floor, there is a 9­meter long and 6­meter wide picture _(show)a romantic scene of the Yellow Crane Tower. The floor is about the history of the Yellow Crane Tower, through painting, models, and electronic screens, just like being there person. On the third floor, you could see many poems written by the poets who came (admire)the fantastic view of the Yangtze River and Wuhan City.

As we all know, at the (begin)of 2020, the Yellow Crane Tower just witnessed(见证)the (success)battle against COVID­19 of Wuhan. It is not only a landmark building, a symbol of the heroic city and heroic people in Wuhan right now.
