组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A. Do something every day.

B. Eat a healthy diet.

C. Find role models.

D. Decide what you want.

E. Take action.

F. Finish in time

There are many things that are out of control in a world. Working on self-disciple (自律) not only gives you more self-control, but also improves your confidence. Here are some ideas.

. If your goal is to become more self-disciplined, you have to do something    every day to achieve that goal. Goals may seem difficult at first, but practicing all the time can help you get there finally.

. Once you have schedule and your action plan in place, the next step is to carry them out. Sticking to your plan needs discipline. The longer you stick to your plan, the more disciplined you'll be.

. Actively deciding and coming up with plans help you reach your goals and become more disciplined. For example, wanting to live a healthier life is a good goal to have. However, you also have to decide how you are going to do?

. Friends or family members whom you admire for their self-discipline can be your role models. Ask them how they set out to achieve their goals.

. Well-balanced meals have some relationship with mental health as well as physical health. If you're not sure what a healthy meal look like, do some research on it.
