组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

As a child, Albert Einstein was slow to speak. Even at  age of six, he did not speak well. He thought for a long time  answering a question, and his parents were afraid he was not normal.

Einstein hated the strict rules of school and certain subjects that required memorization. When asked what work the boy should do, a class teacher said it did not matter; he would never make a  (succeed) of anything.

Thinking back on his childhood, Einstein felt that his backwardness (迟钝)  (actual) helped him. "A 'normal' adult does not stop  (think) about space and time, " he said, "because he has already done so as a child. " In his case, he  (wonder) about them all the time.

He tried to make life as simple as possible  that he would have more time for his work. He wore his hair long in later years so he would not have to go to the barber, and he felt socks were (necessary).

Einstein  (die) when he was 76. He did not want a grave(坟墓). He didn't want his house turned into a museum, and he wanted his office used  others. He left his brain to research, but doctors found nothing unusual in its size, weight, or formation.
