组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Here's some advice on how to be a good student.

Manage your time carefully. It's good to keep a habit of planning your time every day. It's very helpful to know what you will do. When you plan your week, you'd make a list of things you have to do. Then you'd make a schedule of your time for eating, sleeping, studying and even amusements. Make the best of your time. Listen to everything the teachers say in class. That means less work later. Don't forget to take notes. It will help you remember what the teacher says. Make sure to put your heart into the book, and you will get more from it.

Develop good attitudes. You'd build up friendship. Try to make more friends. And you can meet new people, find new friends and even talk to people you don't like. You never know what will happen in the future. Have a healthy diet. Try different kinds of food and get enough fruits and vegetables. If not, you won't get nutrients (营养) you need to grow each day.

Title – Advice on How to Be


What to do


Manage your time carefully

Make a list and a schedule of your time

Keeping the habit of planning your time can help to know what .

Make the best of your time

①Listen carefully and take notes in class.

②Remember to into the book, or you'll get nothing.

①Listening carefully in class means later.

②You will get more from the book.

Develop good attitudes

①Make more friends.

②Have a healthy eating habit.

①You'll get more help in the future.

that you need to grow.
