组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A. Asia    B. born    C. from    D. less    E. His    F. five

G. hero   H. decision  I. because  J. fifteen  K. as     L. Although

Everyone has a hero in his heart. The in my heart is Yuan Longping, who is a great Chinese scientist. He is known "Father of Hybrid Rice(杂交水稻之父)".

Yuan Longping was on September 7th, 1930. He studied very hard when he was young. After graduating college in 1953, he became a teacher in an agriculture(农业)school. In 1960, Yuan Longping saw many people die of hunger, so he made a to do some research into a new kind of rice-hybrid rice. After years of hard work, Yuan Longping with his students made a great wonder in 1975-feeding nearly 20% of the world's population with than 9% of the world's farmland. So far, over 100 countries in , Africa and America have grown hybrid rice.

Many people look up to Yuan Longping because he spent all his life working for people on the earth. he has been dead, we will never forget him. spirit always encourages us to try our best to serve our motherland. There is no doubt that Yuan Longping is a great hero.
