组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Once upon a time, there was a boy who was out playing on the beach with his friends. While they were playing, the boy found a stone which looked strange. It wasn't the same as other stones. It was a little bit shining. But it was quite dirty. The boy took the stone home because he wanted to polish it.

His friends felt surprised and they asked, "Why are you polishing that ugly stone?", but the boy didn't reply. From then on, when they went out to play, the boy would take the stone with him. He would polish it whenever he had a rest.

This went on for some time. Then one day, the boy played with his friends as usual. He had a surprise for them. When he showed the stone to them, they were amazed. It was, in fact, not a common stone at all-it was a beautiful diamond(钻石). The boy had been polishing it until it was completely clean and bright.

In our lives, there will be times when people try to discourage us. The best thing we can do is to continue to work towards our goals. We can turn a rough stone into a diamond. This story tells us that anything is possible if we go for it.
