组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Researchers have traced numerous connectionswalking and generating ideas. A Stanford(creative) when walking compared to University study found that participants were 81 percent sitting. Another famous-person example: as part of his daily writing routine, Jurt Vonnegut would takemidmorning break from his office to walk and then swim before eventually(return) to work. I would argue that this habit wasn't just a habit but an intentional, necessary element of his creative process.

The movement aspect of walking is(obvious) key. You've probably heard the phrase Exercise your creativity, which refers to brainsmuscles. Our creative mindset is triggered by movement,is exactly why walking—with your dog, a friend, or alone(feed) creative thinking.

So instead of setting a fitness goal, why not set a creativity goal that starts with walking? Engage more closely with your(surround) for the next four weeks. Turn off your phone and give yourself the(be) present in the world and to hear conversations and natural sounds. Walk not just for exercise. Walk for wonder. chance
