组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Most children are taught the virtue (美德)of honesty from stories. The well-known story of Pinocchio teaches the importance of telling the truth. Every time Pinocchio lies, his nose grows longer and longer. Another story is about the boy who "cried wolf". In the end, he loses all his sheep and the trust of his fellow villagers because he tells lies many times. These types of stories show children that "honesty is the best policy. " Still, ifthisis the case, then why do so many people lie? The fact is that people lie for many reasons.

One reason people lie is to minimize (减少)a mistake. While it is true that everyone does something wrong from time to time, some people do not have the courage to admit their errors (错误)because they are afraid they will be blamed. For example, students might lie to their teachers about unfinished homework. They might say that they left the work at home when, in fact, they did not do the work at all. These students do not want to get in trouble or seem irresponsible, so they make up an excuse—a lie一to save face.

Another reason for lying has to do with self-protection. Parents, particularly those with young children, may teach their children to use this type of “protective” lie in certain circumstances (状况). What should children do if a stranger calls while the parents are out? Many parents teach their children to explain that their mother and father are too busy to come to the phone at that time. In this situation, protective lying can mean greater safety.

People lie for many reasons, both good and bad. Lying to keep the peace or to stay safe can have positive results. However, lying to stay out of trouble can lead to more trouble in the end. Understanding the motives behind the impulse (冲动)to lie might minimize this habit of lying.
