组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库
阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

My grandpa was not tall. But to me, a five-year-old child, he was a giant. We would sit side by side, watching the sun go down behind the gas station across the busy street, a street that I was never 1to cross  2 accompanied(陪伴) by an adult.

One day we sat 3 the traffic, counting cars and trying to guess the color of the next one to turn the corner.

Suddenly Grandpa asked, "4?"

"Yes," was my reply. "How would you like to run over to the gas station there and get 5 a bottle of Coke?"

I couldn't believe my 6. Had I heard right? Was he talking to me? On my family's modest (卑微的) income, Coke was not a part of our diet. A few sips(小口抿) was all I had ever had, and certainly never my own bottle.   

I replied shyly, "Okay," already wondering how I would get across the 7. I thought Grandpa was going to go with me.8, after he gave me a dime(硬币), he said to me, "Okay, I'm going to stay 9 and tell you when it's safe to cross. You go over to the Coke machine, get your Coke and walk back. 10 me to tell you when it's safe to cross back."

I was very both excited and nervous when Grandpa 11 my hand tightly. Together we looked 12the street and down, and up again. When he told me it was safe to cross, he 13 my hand and I ran. I ran faster than I had ever run before. The street seemed 14. I wondered if I would 15 it to the other side. Reaching the other side, I 16to find Grandpa still standing exactly where I had left him,17 proudly.


Coke in hand, I proudly marched back out into the early evening dusk, seeing Grandpa was waiting 18.

"Stop right there!" he yelled (喊). One or two cars sped by me, and once again, Grandpa yelled, "Come on now, run!" At last I crossed the street safely. "Don't ever do that 19," he warned.

One long swallow(吞,咽) of the cold Coke cooled my sweating body. I20 felt so proud.
