组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

In order to help teenagers build a strong body, students in Grade 9 have to take part in zhongkao P.E. test every year. To prepare for the test, many junior high school students try their best to train hard.

On April 18, Sun Gao from Hangzhou, Zhejiang finished his P.E. test. After three years of hard training, he got 26.5 points.

" It wasn't a high score, since many of my classmates got full scores—30 points, but I'm still happy, since I tried my best." Sun said. "I think the P.E. test is really good for us. By hard training, I am much stronger now." He added.

Gong Siyu from Chengdu, Sichuan is in Grade 8 now. "I signed up(报名) for an after-school training class. I practice every Saturday evening for two hours, doing pull-ups(引体向上), an 800-meter run and basketball," she said. In 2022, when Gong takes the test, the P.E. test will be 60 points inzhongkao.

"I think it's a good thing." Gong said. "Health is important, and by preparing for the test, we get more chances to exercise and relax."
