组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Today is a big day for me. The last time I spoke in class was three years ago and it was1I tried to say /w/, but made a strange sound. Everyone laughed. I haven't spoken in class since then.

2, things have been changing a lot. Now when I listen to music on my headphone, I can follow without stuttering (结巴)!That's why I 3 to talk at the science festival today.

I arrived at school early. Ryan Colby, who enjoyed 4 at me, was standing by the entrance. He said, "Hey, Tom, guess what? "I tried to say, "What?" but got stuck on the /w/. He started laughing. I turned and ran.

I wasn't going to show up at the festival, but on my phone I got a 5from Dad, saying "good luck. And I thought OK, I wouldn't let people like Ryan Colby make me feel bad any more.

When it was my 6to speak, I just saw Ryan Colby. And then I was so 7that I chose the wrong music. So instead of Mozart, I was listening to dance music, I couldn't 8myself talking in the same rhythm (节奏) as the music. It sounded like I was rapping (说唱). Most people in school never heard me speak. They were really surprised. When I finished, they all stood up and cheered.

After the festival, 9 wanted to be my friend. They thought I was a talented and skillful rapper! I 10 my phone at lunchtime and found 187 new friend requests. And one of them was from Ryan Colby.
