组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

It's not usual that you can feel the warmth in an icy train station. After all, it's the place where people walk (quick) from one end to the other for their trains with impatience. However, just there, a cold Friday morning, I saw something that moved me to tears.

While I (walk)to the hall of the station, I saw a young woman put something next to sleeping homeless man. She put it down silently and left in a hurry. I wondered , she had put some money there. Instead, it was a sandwich (lie) on the man's bag. I suddenly realized that a sandwich was probably what the man needed most.

I couldn't help thinking of many times when I (help) by others. I also thought about that all the other little acts of (kind) that happened every day and went unnoticed. Even the smallest thing can make a big (different). And what a gift it is when you get to see the (move) moments!
