组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

The smell of popcorn was in the air. I could hear kids laughing and shouting. People were everywhere!

My family and I walked around the amusement park, getting snacks and going on rides. I loved almost all types of rides. The o rides that I didn't like were rides that turn you upside-down. But my elder sister, Laura, loved them. When we finally were near a ride that went upside-down, she started asking me to go with her. I told her I didn't like those rides, but she kept asking b she really didn't want to go alone. I was feeling sympathy (同情)for her, so I stalled thinking that maybe I s go with her, even though I really don't like to go upside-down. I turned to my parents for h.

"Matt, you are allowed to stand up for yourself. If something makes you feel really uncomfortable, you can tell people n. It's OK to tell Laura that you love her, b that you can't go with her because going upside-down makes you uncomfortable. Be strong but kind when you tell her, so that she will k you're serious." Mom said.

"I don't want to make Laura mad or sad," I replied to Mom, "and I don't want her to think I'm being mean."

"There's a d between being aggressive (有攻击性的)and being assertive(坚决主张的). Saying 'no' doesn't mean you are willing to hurt her feelings. You're just listening to your own feelings to make sure you stay safe." Mom answered. "The s goes for Laura. If you ask her to arm wrestle (角力)and she doesn't feel comfortable, she's allowed to say 'no', too. We are all allowed to stand up for ourselves."

"Thanks, Mom." I said. I told Laura that I love her and like to do things with her, but that the upside-down rides make me uncomfortable because they scare me. She was sad, but went on the ride by h and was really happy when it was over. We had a great rest of the day at the amusement park!
