组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are… " Jimmy was singing happily with his friends. He laughed and then started to tell stories to them.

1, this would never happen in real life. My eight-year-old brother, Jimmy, is an autistic (自闭症的) child. He doesn't know how to chat with others and can't even 2 by himself. He also has difficulty following his teachers in class. These things make him feel 3 at school.

Mom took Jimmy to the hospital to get more treatment. But it 4 very well. Jimmy still doesn't know how to behave at school. He can, t listen to the teacher and doesn't understand what to do. He always forgets to bring his things home and even loses his books. My mom is always worried, but when she talks about Jimmy, she still5― it seems that she is still 6 her son.

7Jimmy's sister, I am also worried about him. I heard that some students encourage him to misbehave and then laugh at him. The boys even stole 8 pencils and hid them in Jimmy's bag. Then they told the teacher that Jimmy stole them.

Every time I hear about these things, I am very 9, but my mom asks me not to. She says that Jimmy doesn't 10 it at all. He is always smiling, even though life is hard for him. I love him and I hope things will get better soon and he will grow up happily.
